Here Goes Mitchy Moo Moo

For Years, children have been exposed to the media and the public sphere Whether it be Shirley temple storming the screen and stage in the early 1930’s to todays very educational Children based TV shows such as “Toddlers & Tiaras”, “Dance Moms” and my personal Favourite,”Here comes Honey Boo Boo”.


Now the topic for this weeks blog is surrounding children in the media, and the sexualisation of children in the media… And whilst i find this topic rather open ended, it is rather straight forward.

Children, no matter their age are bound by law to remain un sexualised until legal age. But are these recent reality shows finding new ways of exposing these children around the law?

Alana Thompson of Here comes Honey Boo Boo Is a self made queen on everything fatty, dirty and southern. She is a ‘redneck’ from Georgia, USA and was granted her own TV show after her online fame during her sprint on TLC’s “Toddlers & Tiara’s”. But her humour, fun loving and literally ‘Larger than life’ family caused her instant fame. But has her recognition caused her harm? or changed who she is as a person? Or even worse, has her show sexualised her as a person?


Apparently so…

The truth is, we won’t ever know. We see these people as the producers want us to see them. They Can edit them up to say ANYTHING about anyone. Now this is only one example, but regarding the topic, i truly think that people need to let kids be kids, and if they are in the media and aren’t causing anyone harm, or offending people, then let them be. The moment it gets disrespectful or even sexualised, THAT is when we need to get our nickers in a knot.


Now the second part of this blog… THE END of an era.. The end of my BCM110 Blog Task.

I originally started this blog as an assessment task for my university assignment, but what it has done is beyond magic. This task has made me realised that i love to write, it has given me an outlet to vent my crazy mind, and it ha salsa taught me how to professionally kill, and skin a wild bull. Dont ask how, it just has.

This topic has made me realise that i love to blog. I blog at night, at day, in the morning, on the toilet, i just love to blog. The experience is exhilarating. honestly you need to try this.

Looking back at some of my blogs, i see so many things i could change and fix, but without making errors, there is no room for improvement. My favourite blog i have written to this day i sky very first. “My first time” I was so scared to post it because i didn’t know how it would be received. But it was 100% me and i was proud of it. As i am of all of my Posts.

Now many other students are closing their blog off at this point, and finishing their blog when they hand in this assignment. BUT ALAS. I will continue to blog! My aim is 1 post per week, on any topic i choose… If i love it so much, why change something that isn’t broken? I know that saying didn’t quite fit here but hey, it sounds good.

So please, follow my blog, ill still be here, and hopefully i have, and continue to make you laugh and smile, because if i can get one person to laugh whilst reading my blog, its all worth it!

See you next week!




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3 thoughts on “Here Goes Mitchy Moo Moo

  1. tiffanylao says:

    Another great read, I’ve been enjoying all your post thus far and look forward to reading more. You have a great sense of humour and audience engagement, as the various uses of multimedia, definitely draws attention to your work and its quality. Thanks for the good laughs.

  2. So I took the time to read one of your blogs, very entertaining and interactive! Or maybe I just liked it because I wrote a similar post. either way, I enjoyed it.

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